Monday, April 28, 2014


It's been a while since I've done a mcm-post...sorry about that!
I sure hope this hunk can ease your pain ;) Bradley Cooper is
definitely my current Mancandy obsession ! He is HOT. Let's 
leave it at that. Happy Mancandy Monday everyone!


Sunday, April 27, 2014

Color Garden #3

As I promised you...the rest of the pictures from the photo 
session I named Color Garden! There's a little more action 
going on in these ones, the result of my mom's a little
crazy but brilliant ideas.
Have an awesome Sunday evening everyone!


Saturday, April 26, 2014

London by Night

One of the coolest things about shopping in a big city is that
the stores don't close at six. When the sun set the streets
were filled with lights in different colors. It was so
beautiful, enchanting almost. I held my camera in
a firm grip, ready to capture every moment!


It's no secret I love fashion and shopping. At the hotel in London
my mom and I played around with the virtual ideal of a fashion
addict. We had lots of fun obviously...hope you like what you see.


Thursday, April 24, 2014

Candy Store

We went into this amazing candy store on Piccadilly street where
I for obvious reasons had to take some pictures! It was truly
a colorful and exciting experience. Eatable eyecandy in its
right environment, don't you think?
Happy Thursday everyone!


Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Here are some of the pictures I took in Mayfair. It felt so
luxurious to have such beautiful surroundings to the hotel.
Just stepping out of the door was an experience in itself with
the lovely green Grosvenor Park right across the street. One 
of my favorite things about this park was the benches,
dedicated to couples who had enjoyed it throughout the
What is your favorite part of London?

Monday, April 21, 2014

London Babe

I'm back from a wonderful couple of days in the beautiful city of
London! It was truly an experience with the great diversity in
people and style, not to mention the majestic victorian 
architecture adorning every street. We stayed at a hotel
in Kensington, near Hyde Park, where basically every 
building was like a beautiful painting with perfectly 
arranged fresh flowers decorating the phasade. 
Another favorite was definitely the red busses which,
 in spite of their large size, managed to speed through 
the narrow and heavily trafficked streets. To escape the 
busy tempo you could take a stroll in one of the many 
parks. The spring had really come to London and all the 
trees had a beautiful fresh green color. One thing is
for sure...when I return it will be in the summer.

I have a lot more pictures that I will upload this week
so stay tuned!

And I almost forgot...HAPPY EASTER!!!
