Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Candy Bags

The bag is a very important accessory to me. In there I have
all I need to safely leave the house. I sometimes say I have my
life in my bag. Sounds a bit exaggerated, but it's true. If I 
sometimes happen to leave the house without a bag, I freak out 
every 10 minutes thinking I have lost it or forgot it somewhere.
I mean, it holds so many useful things except for wallet and keys.
You can bring a scarf and a wooly hat in case you get cold. If you
need some water and a snack, you put it in the bag. When you
accidentally smudge your lipstick while eating, you simply take
out the napkins you have in your bag. I could go on and on, but
hey I don't want to bore you guys! What I'm trying to say is
that I can't live without my hand bags, therefore I've made sure
to buy them in as many shapes, styles and colors possible to
match my wardrobe. I will be posting pictures of my entire
bag collection soon! The ones you can see in these pics I all
bought in london. The yellow one is from Accessorize, as well 
as the mint green shoulder bag. The plastic tote is from Ted
Baker- definitely one of my favorite brands. The copper colored
hand bag in the first pic is from River Island.
Bonne nuit little sinners! May you dream of Candy Bags!


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